

腾讯“互联网+”实践入选金砖国家数字发展报告 Tencent Internet Plus Initiative Listed in BRICS Countrie企业之声

时间:2017-09-14   出处:腾讯研究院 中国知识产权司法保护网  作者:  点击:


The Internet Plus initiative proposed by Tencent has been listed in the BRICS Countries’ Digital Economy Development Report and released by the BRICS Business Council Summit in Xiamen on Sept. 1. The report, written by the Internet Society of China, listed two digital economy development cases initiated by Tencent, which’re the Internet Plus initiative that boosts timely delivery of public service, and the WeChat platform that digitalizes people’s consuming behaviors. More than 300 business and cooperative institutes representatives from China, Brazil, Russia, India and South Africa joined the summit.
直播预告:虚拟,最真实 | VR心潮重磅发布明天下午3点
TRI Live | VR Tide Report to Release in Beijing Tomorrow
腾讯研究院S-Tech工作室与浙江大学心理与行为科学系李峙研究组,组建的VR心潮联合研究组,将于9月14日下午3点在北京发布首份研究「VR如何影响人与社会」的专业报告 -- 《VR心潮》。从2017年3月至8月,联合研究组整合、梳理了大量前人的研究成果,从心理学角度研究VR可能会给人们的身心与生活带来的影响与改变,并将研究成果集结成册,命名为《VR心潮:关于身体、大脑与心灵,那些被VR改良、塑造与(可能)异化的》。欢迎在线参与我们在三里屯CHAO酒店举办的报告发布会。观看直播

The VR Tide research group, jointly founded by Tencent Research Institute (TRI) and Zhejiang University’s psychology department, will release its first report VR Tide: Social Implications of VR — Body, Brain and Soul in Beijing on Sept. 14 at 3pm. The research group conducted a comprehensive study on how VR is changing us physically and mentally, as well as its impact on our lives. The event will be held at CHAO Hotel in Sanlitun. Watch Live
美国首部“无人驾驶法案”的核心及启示 | 网络法律评论
Lessons from U.S.’s First National Law for Self-Driving Cars

On Sept. 6, U.S. House of Representatives passed the Self Drive Act that could largely accelerate the rollout of self-driving technology. If passed at the Senate, it would become the first national law for self-driving cars in the United States. The overarching goal of the Self Drive Act is to establish a federal framework for the regulation of self-driving cars, and dramatically increase the possible number of autonomous vehicles on the road. Cai Xiongshan, Associate Director of Cyber Law Research Center under Tencent Research Institute (TRI), and senior researcher Cao Jianfeng analyze the Self Drive Act, its potential impact and lessons for Chinese lawmakers.
清盐站点 | S-Tech青年研究合伙人招募进行中
S-Tech: Research Partners Wanted to Run Youth Projects

The S-Tech research team under Tencent Research Institute (TRI) is now looking for research partners to join our newly launched Youth Projects, which focus on various research topics from the younger generation’s attitudes towards fetishism, homosexuality, online subscription services, ceremony feelings, to how to choose an idol. Application deadline: Oct. 31. Click to Apply


蒋志培 中国人民大学法学博士,曾在英国伯明翰大学法学院、美国约翰马歇尔法学院任高级访问学者,中国人民大学法学院、北京外国语大学法学院兼职教授,中国知识产权司法保护网主编、国家社科基金评审委员会专家,最高人民检察院民行诉讼监督案件专家委员会委员,2014年、2015年受美国约翰马歇尔法学院、中国驻加拿大使馆和加方科技部邀请参加知识产权法律和创新论坛并演讲,2013年12月获得中国版权事业卓越成就奖。