

【TRI Newsletter】腾讯研究院速报 Vol. 018企业之声

时间:2017-09-10   出处:腾讯研究院 中国知识产权司法保护网  作者:  点击:



TRI Salon | Understanding Chinese Society with Complex Thinking




On August 31, Tencent Research Institute (TRI) invited Professor Luo Jiade from the sociology department of Tsinghua University to talk about his new book Complexity with a topic as "Complex Thinking in an Information Age" in Beijing. As social scientist Barry Wellman said Computer networks are inherently social networks, Prof. Luo believed social institutions should focus on the interplay among the Internet, social relations and social structure, a bit to better understand and predict Chinese society with complex thinking.



Sichuan "Internet Plus" Index Ranks atop in Central-Western China




Tencent Research Institute (TRI) released the "Internet Plus" Index 2017 for Sichuan province last week, which unfolds the digital economy development status across 21 Sichuan cities. It suggests that the province's digital economy reached 821.1 billion yuan in 2016, accounted for 25.1 percent of GDP and ranked No. 7 nationwide. The provinces digital economy has seen a rapid growth in medical service, education, culture and entertainment sectors in the first half of 2017, jumped 157 to 81 percent.



How China's Manufacturing Revolution Boosts Its Digital Economy 




China has long pushed the integration of information technology with industrialization, and the ongoing manufacturing revolution has become a major driven force to boost the countrys digital economy. Tencent Research Institute (TRI) researchers analyze how a deep integration of the Internet and manufacturing, digitalization of manufacturing and fostering new areas of economic growth changed Chinas digital economy landscape.


S-Tech:虚拟,最真实 | VR心潮重磅发布

S-Tech:VR Tide Report to Release in Beijing Next Week


腾讯研究院S-Tech工作室与浙江大学心理与行为科学系李峙研究组,组建的VR心潮联合研究组,将于914日在北京发布首份研究「VR如何影响人与社会」的专业报告 -- VR心潮》。从20173月至8月,联合研究组整合、梳理了大量前人的研究成果,从心理学角度研究VR可能会给人们的身心与生活带来的影响与改变,并将研究成果集结成册,命名为《VR心潮:关于身体、大脑与心灵,那些被VR改良、塑造与(可能)异化的》。欢迎参与我们在在三里屯CHAO酒店举办的报告发布会,点击报名


The VR Tide research group, jointly founded by Tencent Research Institute (TRI) and Zhejiang Universitys psychology department, will release its first report VR TideSocial implications of VRBody, Brain and Soul in Beijing on Sept. 14. The research group conducted a comprehensive study on how VR has changed us physically and mentally, as well as its impact on our lives. The event will be held in CHAO Hotel in Sanlitun. Book Your Seat


知乎电子书 | 社交的尺度:一份社交网络斋戒报告 & 八个深度斋戒故事

TRI Books | Social Network Fasting Report and Stories Behind Our Experiment


社交网络上的信息过载和好友关系庞杂,加重了现代人的焦虑和负担;身在人群,目光却在手机屏幕,出现了「群体性孤独」;永远在线,碎片化生存,真实生活备受分心所扰。社交网络对我们产生了哪些影响?它让我们的生活更好了吗?为此,腾讯研究院 S-Tech 工作室发起的一项 85 人社会实验,进行一场为期 15 天的「社交斋戒」,探寻斋戒行为对幸福感、疏离感、工作投入等指标的影响和产生的原因,你的社交诉求或许也在其中。点此购买


S-Tech under Tencent Research Institute (TRI) has designed a social network fasting experiment with 85 volunteers, required them to stop using social network for 15 days. A full experiment report is now available on Zhihu.com, with key conclusions included fasting helps users to better deal with social network overload and rethink their online social interaction. Meanwhile, users under fasting could face problems such as being out of contact, lacking necessary emotional sustenance and interpersonal relationships for life and work. Buy eBook




蒋志培 中国人民大学法学博士,曾在英国伯明翰大学法学院、美国约翰马歇尔法学院任高级访问学者,中国人民大学法学院、北京外国语大学法学院兼职教授,中国知识产权司法保护网主编、国家社科基金评审委员会专家,最高人民检察院民行诉讼监督案件专家委员会委员,2014年、2015年受美国约翰马歇尔法学院、中国驻加拿大使馆和加方科技部邀请参加知识产权法律和创新论坛并演讲,2013年12月获得中国版权事业卓越成就奖。