

腾讯研究院速报 谁制造了阿拉伯网红?直播火爆中东背后的中国推手...企业之声

时间:2017-07-06   出处:腾讯研究院 中国知识产权司法保护网  作者:  点击:


S-TechSocial Network Fasting Report Released in Beijing


【导读】7月1日,腾讯研究院 S-Tech 在北京策划了一场别出心裁的“社交斋戒”主题展,通过85名志愿者在15天内最小化地使用社交网络,并用科学测量工具检测15天后的变化,深入探讨了社交网络对用户在个体幸福感、社会交往、工作投入三个方面的影响, 14条核心研究发现包括:社交斋戒能为用户的“泛社交”减负、重获主动权,也开始反思“中国式社交”。另一方面,脱离了社交网络的人们,游离于网络共同体之外,没有“轻社交”来润滑“硬需求”,面临着情感刚需无处寄托,以及失联的恐惧。点此购买报告

AbstractS-Tech under Tencent Research Institute (TRI) has designed a social network fasting experiment with 85 volunteers, required them to stop using social network for 15 days. A full experiment report released in Beijing on July 1, with key conclusions included fasting helps users to better deal with social network overload and rethink their online social interaction. Meanwhile, users under fasting could face problems such as being out of contact, lacking necessary emotional sustenance and interpersonal relationships for life and work. Purchase Full Report Here



Arabic Online Celebrities and Their Chinese Live Streaming Platforms



AbstractMany Arabic live streaming platform users and their online celebrities might not have noticed many of these platforms are operated by their Chinese counterparts. According to Tencent Research Institute (TRI), more than 12 Eurasian countries that covered by Chinathe Belt and Road Initiative have seen operation teams and investment from Chinese live streaming platforms since 2016.



TRI Report | Recession and Regeneration of Global Journalism in AI Era



AbstractTencent Research Institute (TRI) organized the Internet Frontiers Salon” on June 21, a bid to find out how AI technology changes global journalism with industry experts. TRI also released the report Recession and Regeneration of Global Journalism in AI Era.  Read Full Report Here



Blockchain Applications in the Public Sector: Methods and Challenges



AbstractBlockchain is not just for financial institutions, public sector can use this digital ledger technology on identity verification and authentication, as well as sharing trusted records and building an open government. It offers an enticing path towards more efficient operations, more responsive service, and enhanced data security.



UK Emerges as Global Leaders in UN E-Government Survey: Lessons and Challenges



AbstractThe UK government has continually pushed for e-government innovations and developed a model that has been replicated all over the world, according to the United Nations E-Government Survey 2016, which covers 193 member states. In this article, Tencent Research Institute (TRI) reviews UKs e-government strategies, including how Britain is using the internet to increase government effectiveness, accountability and transparency, facilitate integrated policies and services, and promote citizens participation in decision-making and service delivery.


腾讯研究院 / Tencent Research Institute


蒋志培 中国人民大学法学博士,曾在英国伯明翰大学法学院、美国约翰马歇尔法学院任高级访问学者,中国人民大学法学院、北京外国语大学法学院兼职教授,中国知识产权司法保护网主编、国家社科基金评审委员会专家,最高人民检察院民行诉讼监督案件专家委员会委员,2014年、2015年受美国约翰马歇尔法学院、中国驻加拿大使馆和加方科技部邀请参加知识产权法律和创新论坛并演讲,2013年12月获得中国版权事业卓越成就奖。